>Лазурное (гранит)

Deposit Lazurnoye (granite)

Petrographic kind of a stone: granite.
The deposit site Lazurnoye: Leningrad region, the Vyborg area. The extracted stone of a deposit Lazurnoye is processed on manufacture companies PetroMramor in Vsevolozhsk.
Exit of blocks from mountain weight: 22%.
Mineral structure(%): microcline - 32.5, plagioclase - 23, quartz - 34, biotite - 10.4.

Features of appearance: the granite has a typicslly spotty-stripped pattern. The colour vary in pinkish-grey and reddish-grey tonalities.

Scope. External facing: Facades, steps, porch details, socles, portals, a paving of plates, city registration, parapets, quays, ritual products. Exterior facing: walls, ladders, floors. Deposit characteristics Lazurnoye allow to revet granite polished a title bathrooms, kitchens.

Source: Natural resources of a stone of Russia, 2004, Moscow

In the catalog Domestic a granite it is possible to look samples of minerals of deposits of the Northwest.

Look as the catalog of a granite of Company Petromramor: Gabbro-diabase of a deposit the Premiere (Kareliya), thermal processing.