>Камни по знакам зодиака

Symbolics and esoterics of stones, Zodiac signs

Symbolics and esoterics of stones zodiac signs In a historical retrospective show in many cultures natural stones associate with divine and magic forces, Symbolize zodiac signs, are talismans, dominate in an astrology and esoterics. Natural stones are widely used in the medical purposes, about salutary properties of stones legends are combined. Each mineral, in symbolics of stones, possesses certain qualities and can influence well-being and health. The granite is a longevity and durability symbol, personifies determination. Marble is riches symbol, and white marble symbolizes clarification, Daylight.

The symbolics and magic force of a stone contacts color of a mineral. Stones of red color symbolize a martyrdom, Yellow minerals are a good symbol, green color of a stone symbolizes hope, stones from blue to dark blue colors associate with heavens, Violet color of a stone contacts clarification. To many minerals mystical supernatural forces are attributed. Myths connected with unusual properties Stones have played not last role in esoteric knowledge. The esoterics of stones is a subject of many beliefs in unconditional existence Original reality of the esoteric world.

Value of stones occupies essential position in an astrology and in interpretation of zodiac signs. Each zodiac sign has the interpretation In sphere of natural stones. By means of a planetary astrology it is possible to specify an optimum stone for the person and to connect properties and stone characteristics With certain zodiac sign. Products from a natural stone not seldom are a gift or are used in an interior. In this case, choosing a stone, It is desirable to coordinate it to zodiac sign of the future owner of a product from a stone.

Collections of decorative stones and minerals